Healthy and varied nutrition is important to everyone, but giving it your top priority is not always easy. I truly believe that meals created with organic ingredients are tastier and also improve your health because there are fewer pesticides that can slowly weaken you in the long term. The rich flavours of organic fruit and vegetables cannot be compared to the flavours of regular fruit and vegetables from your larger supermarkets. Organic fruit and vegetables have a more complex and intense flavour profile.

This philosophy fits perfectly during retreats where the focus is on the well-being of body and mind. When nutritious, balanced, and organic ingredients are used in preparing the meals, the participants of a retreat truly notice the difference. Everyone will have more energy, bowel movements improve and skin will look more radiant. To accomplish this, I always buy as much as possible from the local organic farm and for other produce such as beans, rice, pasta and grains I go to a specialized Portuguese organic supermarket.
My dishes are always fresh and homemade and seldom overly complex. I'm looking for a good balance between healthy and tasty. I vary a lot and rarely make the same dish twice, this helps me stay creative and means i automatically cook with the seasons. If you join me, you can expect a table full of beautiful, balanced and colorful dishes that, in addition to being healthy, also taste delicious!
