These brownies are light with a deep chocolate flavour. This is the perfect treat to serve with coffee or tea. You can also serve it as a treat after dinner, just add a scoop of ice cream or a splash of berry coulis which turns it into a downright heavenly chocolate dessert 💖
Brownie - 9 pieces
125g butter
125g dark chocolate
2 eggs
100g honey or agave syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
50g selfraising flour
30g cacao powder
optionally: walnuts, almonds or melted chocolate
Step by step instructions
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Line a 21x21cm baking tin with baking paper.
Melt the butter and chocolate au bain-marie.
Whisk the honey and eggs until nice and airy, then add the vanilla extract.
Mix the flour and cacao. Then mix everything together with a spatula until well combined and pour the mixture into the baking tin.
You can decorate the brownies with walnuts, almonds or if you feel fancy your can melt some extra chocolate and pour this over the top when the brownies have cooled down.
Bake for 30 minutes and leave to cool in the tin.
